Susan Sontag quote towards President Biden ~Charise J (374 ARHI)

President Biden


Reference Quote:

“Because each photograph is only a fragment, its moral and emotional weight depends on where it is inserted. A photograph changes according to the context in which it is seen: thus ... photographs will seem different on a contact sheet, in a gallery, in a political demonstration, in a police file, in a photographic magazine, in a book, on a living-room wall. Each of these situations suggest a different use for the photographs but none can secure their meaning.” - Susan Sontag, On Photography by Susan Sontag , ISBN: 0385267061 , Page: 105

The power of this photo is that President Biden is showing that there isn't really a message behind it because of how he is in this photo. Since his arms are crossed, him leaning on the ledge, and him smiling can mean that he could be a great president or ready for anything that could happen during his presidency. It could also mean that he would/could bond with his citizens and people in office. The meaning and history of that might be shaped in different ways because of the way the president is posing or/and the background that they are taking their photo. According to Sontag, she was also stating that it depends where the photo could be seen at or from to determine the meaning. But as she also stated, there isn't really a true meaning. The meaning would come from the photographer based on how they wanted the person to pose and based on the background. The viewer will make an analysis towards the background first to see if it would be anything political or casual. They will then move on to how the person is posing to connect with their assumption on why the background is like that. And then, based on the knowledge of what Susan Sontag had provided, they will try to determine if it is meant to be a moral or emotion. 

~Charise J


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