Fred Ritchin "After Photography" ~Charise J (240 ART)

Fred Ritchin 

  • "The digital photographer - and all who come after her - potentially plays a postmodern visual disc jokey." (Page 18)
Photography could be seen over and over again like how a DJ player's cd booth spins without stopping. As in, people could see the the photo that the photographer took when they keep trying to prove the same point with a different photo or from a different angle of the photo.
  • "Once the image begin to replace the world, photography loses much of its reason for being." (Page 23)
Photography was meant to be show people things and not replace what it was photographed for. An image is suppose to let people know that what was taken exist. Images may have a meaning, but it doesn't mean it is replacing anything from it.
  • "Its role becomes that of a less proximate signifier like words, paintings, or drawings, but with the background duality of its surviving role as direct trace. " (Page 31)
Photography is starting to lose its meaning and its power like how words, paintings, and drawings have. Knowing the purpose of the photo seems to be the only thing that could keep its meaning and power with it. People should understand that photographer is here for a reason because not many of us could see what others had seen. 

~Charise J


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