Chuck Kelton ~Charise J (337 ART)


Chuck Kelton 

Chuck Kelton began photography at the age of 14. He had spent his time working with other photographers. By the time he created Kelton Labs, which was a seven person operation, he started grabbing big-named clients attention. He work consists of chemograms and photograms being made in the darkroom. Kelton worked with light and chemistry on darkroom paper to make it into a n abstract landscape. 

This photo was chosen because it is very artistic for a photographer. I love it when people put art with photography because not many people combine art with photography. This photo is creative and could give me an idea on how I can combine art with photography. The way he mixed chemicals on the darkroom paper is cool because it could make colors without using color dye which I also find creative. 

~Charise J


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