Duane Michals ~Charise J (337 ART) (Personal Project)

http://www.artnet.com/artists/duane-michals/ )

Duane Michals 

Duane Michals was born on February 18, 1932 in Pennsylvania. He went to the University of Denver in 1953 and got his Bachelors of Art degree. By 1956, he became interested in studying photography but became a photographer that expresses emotions after he quit studying. Michals likes to do a series with his work, multiple exposers, and texts. His main component in his work is text because he would want people to understand what he may be coming from. He express his meaning in poetry, tragic, and/or humorous. 

This photo was chosen because I am aiming for something like this for my final project. My idea is to incorporate my drawings with an image of a mirror to give some type of emotion. The image shows a person inside the mirror and outside of the mirror which is something I want to try to aim for. 

~Charise J


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