
Showing posts from February, 2021

Deep Fake Possibilities (Digital Art) ~Charise J

Photo 1: Photo 2:  

Richard Avedon Quote ~Charise J (347 ARHI)

(  The Work — The Richard Avedon Foundation  ) Richard Avedon: Darkness & Light     " The moment an emotion or fact is transformed into a photograph, it is no longer a fact but an opinion. There is no such thing as inaccuracy in a photograph. All photographs are accurate. None of them is the truth. "   - Richard Avedon In Richard Avedon documentary, he was always making his patients comfortable when it came to them having to take a photo. He would just make them do what he thought would be their thing or what would go with the concept that they are working on. Avedon wanted to take photos at the right moment, but ever knew when the right moment was until he looked at the photo. His work was about taking risks because you would never know when something is worthwhile during the photo.  This photo was chosen because Nastassja Kinski was laying there for hours with the snake until Avedon felt like the right moment would come. It all started because they were talking and sh

Hiroshi Sugimoto ~Charise J (337 ART)

  (  old artworks — Hiroshi Sugimoto (  ) Hiroshi Sugimoto Hiroshi Sugimoto went to college twice in the 1970s. He first went to Saint Paul's University in Tokyo and Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles. By the time he went to New York to continue to pursue his career, he had gotten more notice. His work was in museums in New York and later his work went into museums in United Kingdom. He had later won awards from his photography works. This photo was chosen because this was a weird type of portrait to me. This is more like a fashion type of portrait because the dress stands out more and I think that is what Sugimoto was aiming for. The way that the light is aiming at the dress is more at the bottom, as in it seems to be pointing at the lower part of her back. Since the back is facing the camera, some of the curves on the dress are highlighted by the light. This makes the figure kind of disappear but we can still see her arms and neck. I really like the w

Illegible Part 2 (Digital Art) ~Charise J


Illegible (Digital Art) ~Charise J


Where My Inspiration Comes From ~Charise J (240 ART)

Where My Inspiration Comes From       I  started art when I was young, don't exactly remember the age. I was watching my cousin draw a rose and I was thinking that if he could draw that, why not I give it a try. But it just didn't come out the way I thought it was. Ever since then, I was learning from watching on TV because there was a special show on Comcast, at the time, that thought kids how to draw the basic things which would seem hard but they had made it easy. It was fun and I enjoyed it. As time went on, as in when I got older, the show wasn't available anymore and I resulted to drawing what I saw around the house without tracing. Those images weren't bad and so I decided to step it up a notch or so. I had an Instagram and the explore page was filled with wonders. That is how I had found a lot of artists and I started to draw their work. I was proud that it was almost like how the artist themselves had made it, and so I had posted the images and tagged them. I h

Christian Vogt ~Charise J (337 ART)

 (  Exhibitions 2012-2015 | CHRISTIAN VOGT  ) Christian Vogt Christian Vogt was a photographer during the 1960s. He took photos that wanted to have a meaning behind it and not just a phot for memories. He like people to understand that a photo can have a story hidden behind the surface. That is something that I look for when it comes to art works (photos or pictures), because no one really knows the true story or meaning of what they are seeing.   This photo was chosen because is it mostly positive space which I find interesting. There is a hidden figure in the image that you would just have to look at closely. The hidden image kind of reminds me of shadow photography because when you print the shadow, you have the choice to show more or less of the figure during the processing stage. It also reminds me of the grain part of when you have to reflect the image on to the photographic paper before processing it to see what you had reflected. The image could also be seen as something in the

Portraits (Digital Art) ~Charise J

    Ten different portraits that was made with the same image. ~Charise J 

Steve McCurry ~Charise J (240 ART)

  (  Review: Masters of Photography Featuring Steve McCurry (  ) Steve McCurry Steve McCurry was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He studied cinematography in college and later decided to travel. During his travels, he took photos in Pakistan when Russian was invading. As that went on, he continued to take photos of what was going on.  This photo was chosen because of the way she looks like the focal point in the photo. The background is blurry to make the viewers not notice it. The color in her eyes, background, and shirt under her hoodie matches. This makes me think that they connect in way that the photography was aiming for when he took it. He was also kind of showing the struggles of where he was, Pakistan or places close to Russia, because of how she looks. For example, the girl doesn't have on clothes that look brand new and her face kind of looks dirty. She doesn't really look like a model, but was a perfect model to get some type of detail of wha

Susan Sontag quote towards President Biden ~Charise J (374 ARHI)

President Biden   Reference Quote: “Because each photograph is only a fragment, its moral and emotional weight depends on where it is inserted. A photograph changes according to the context in which it is seen: thus ... photographs will seem different on a contact sheet, in a gallery, in a political demonstration, in a police file, in a photographic magazine, in a book, on a living-room wall. Each of these situations suggest a different use for the photographs but none can secure their meaning.” - Susan Sontag , On Photography by Susan Sontag , ISBN: 0385267061 , Page: 105 The power of this photo is that President Biden is showing that there isn't really a message behind it because of how he is in this photo. Since his arms are crossed, him leaning on the ledge, and him smiling can mean that he could be a great president or ready for anything that could happen during his presidency. It could also mean that he would/could bond with his citizens and people in office. The meaning and

Post card (Digital Art) ~Charise J

 Dabi's Post Card Version Original Sources It was really hard to find a non pixelated image, which resulted to me to having to use these. I was pretty satisfied with how it came out.  ~Charise J

Philippe Halsman ~ Charise J (337 ART) (Studio Portrait)

( Biography: Portrait photographer Philippe Halsman | MONOVISIONS - Black & White Photography Magazine  ) Philippe Halsman   Philippe Halsman was born on May 2, 1906 in Northern Europe, but later passed away in the United States. He started photography at the age of fifteen by finding an old-view camera in the attic which he had called the photography virus. As the years went on, he developed his way of knowing photography. His one phot of a girl named Connie had made him win the Art Directors Club medal which had opened many doors for him.  This picture was chosen because it showed that Philippe Halsman allowed people to feel comfortable and connect their phot to what seems to be important or outstanding thing about them. I liked the way Halsman made the man's mustache standout because that is his signature thing about him. He also did others that turned out beautiful. Another photo that he had done was him having a man stand on the side of the photo with naked women formed in

Susan Sontag’s book: On Photography ~ Charise J (347 ARHI)

  Susan Sontag’s book: On Photography        In Susan Sontag's book, "On Photography", she wrote a chapter on Plato's cave, which was the time when 3 people who were chained in a cave with no light but the light from outside which had given them a view of what is going on outside. There are three parts that I would like to talk about based on what she had wrote.  "Photographed images do not seem to be statements about the world so much as pieces of it, miniatures of reality that anyone can make or acquire." (Page 4)      I had chosen this sentence to let people understand that photography is similar to art. But my main purpose is to say that photos are suppose to be something that many people can put a story towards because no matter what a picture could look like, someone always has an opinion on it. Many people have different sides to things like photos of someone naked; that depends on how people interpret it. If it is a child it would be pornography but